All in Technology

Mind Your “MANRS”

In terms of how the Internet works, at least on a day-to-day basis, few people give much (if any) thought to how all our data traffic in and of itself is delivered around the globe at lightning speeds. The truth of the matter is there exists an Internet Ecosystem, composed of organizations and communities of individuals, from across different companies and organizations themselves, who do their professional best to ensure that the Internet’s traffic keeps flowing in an orderly fashion.

People Analytics

People analytics attempts to quantify different aspects about an individual, such as their level of education, experience, and other common factors under consideration by human resources in the hiring process, which could be extremely beneficial to businesses everywhere.

AI in Medicine

One of the promises of artificial intelligence, both in science fiction and in the real world, has always been the promise of better health, or at least leaning us more towards prevention on the treatment versus prevention scale that is the core of our health care system. Though the latest breakthrough in AI falls short of that progressive promise in terms of prevention, it does much to advance the treatment side of things.