I am not afraid of this grief
I am afraid it will disappear
Just as you had
I am afraid the crying will end
The wet sleeves and trash cans full of tissues
The sad songs on repeat
Songs I had hidden away
Praying I’d never use
These words I thought I would never have to write
The hours staring at the white lines on the ceiling
I don’t want it to stop
I am afraid one day I will try to think of you
And will not remember the echo of your laugh
The curve of your nose
The notes of your voice
The little hairs on your chin you always missed
The memory of the touch of your skin
The feel of your hair running through my fingers
I want to feel the pain
The misery, the sorrow, the heartache, and the grief
I welcome the tears
For its all I have left of you
I am afraid the grief I feel so often will be dampened with time
And I will forget
Forget the love I had for you
For all of you
If your time with me had to be so short
Then I beg that you stay just a little longer
In my grief