The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

The Spiritual Meaning of Colors

The Spiritual Meaning of Colors

Colors are all around us. They bring our whole world to life. Colors hold aura, which is a spiritual energy field surrounding living being which is “visible” to the psychically sensitive. There are many different ways colors represent emotion. Here are some colors and their symbolizations:

Red: Energy, passion, strength, courage, physical activity, creativity, warmth, security, and aggression. In the Far East, it represents good fortune. Some philosophies and religions believe that it means destruction and the power of evil. If you are in an environment surrounding in red, you may feel stressed, discontent or angry for no reason.

Orange: An individual’s relationship to the external world, the needs and wants to the outside world, the necessity of the physical body and the ways in which these are satisfied, the world of work. This color brings happiness and health into our lives, it helps bring you back to your true self.

Yellow: Intellect, creativity, happiness, cowardice, and persuasion. Many religious groups associate the color to divinity. It’s the easiest color to look at which is why it is used in stop lights. If a person is stressed, they should decrease the amount of yellow in their surrounding environment.

Green: Money, luck, prosperity, vitality, and fertility. It is also the color of healing. In stop lights, green would mean “go.” People who like green find themselves being diplomatic to those who seek true impartiality in their decisions. They also enjoy sharing with people because they believe it’s right.

Blue: Spirituality, intuition, inspiration, inner peace, sadness, and depression. It can also mean avoidance, intangibility and haughtiness. Blue helps calm down the appetite, build trust in relationships, and helps you to move your goals in an orderly, calm manner. However, too much blue can hold you to the past instead of looking to the future and present.

Indigo: Psychic abilities. This color reaches our High Mind and heightens people’s senses. If you want to get true wisdom or goals, go to people who like this color. People who like this color can think outside the box and are able to reach future and current goals. The negativity of this color is developing additions, extremism, impracticality, and bias.

Purple: It symbolizes wealth and affluence with pretension and snobbery.  Purple also means power. New Age tradition associated this color with magic and the great mysteries of all creation. It links to people’s spirituality, resourcefulness, the hidden recesses of the mind and the Sacred Self. The color also helps deal with anger and passion. Those who like the color are very open about their feelings which bring them strength and power.

White: Truth, purity, cleansing, healing and protection. It also means youthful innocence, humbleness and the Element of Air. In the concept, Yin and Yang, white reflects the heavens.

Black: Unconscious and mystery. It also means authority, power, and higher learning. It’s a scary color to most cultures because black means death. Black could also mean a transition to beautiful worlds and leadership for the good of all. In the Yin and Yang concept, black absorbs rich earth. Black and white are like the balance, you can’t have one without the other.

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