The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

Poems by Justin Savoy

Poems by Justin Savoy

Haiku #1: A Red Kite

A warm summer day…

With the perfect little breeze,

To fly a red kite.

Haiku #2: The Perfect Perch

The big tall oak tree…

Has branches that look like hands,

Where the eagles perch.

Haiku #3: Turtle Waves

Waves from the ocean…

Approach the warm sand with ease,

Brings the turtles home.

Haiku #4: The Zoo

Bears, wolves, and lions...

A panda chews on bamboo,

Welcome to the zoo!

Acrostic Poem: Winter’s Arrival

Wintertime is finally upon us

Intensifying cold draws near

Nipping at your nose

The snow gently falls 

Enchanting the ground 

Relentless and determined it comes…


Limerick Poem: Too Much Stew

I recall a man named Lou,

Who had a liking for stew.

He ate it each and every day

Even when his wife would say,

I feel like I married a screw!

The Evolution of Video Game Controllers

The Evolution of Video Game Controllers

Google’s New Encrypted DNS

Google’s New Encrypted DNS