Creativity on Campus — The Factory Times

The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

Creativity on Campus

Creativity on Campus

Do you have an interest in writing? Do you enjoy reading books or novels? If you answered yes to either of these questions then I’ve got some exciting news for you! For the Spring 2018 semester, SUNY Poly is offering two more English classes to its course selection. In recent semesters, Poly has been lacking in their inclusion of English classes, aside from English 101. Luckily for us, this seems to no longer be the case.

Obviously, two classes aren’t enough to satisfy the needs of the many students aching to express their creative sides; it’s a start. The two classes being added for course selection next semester are Creative Writing-ENG 205 and The Novel-ENG 375. These two classes are both different opportunities in the field of English. One is the chance to write creatively, get feedback and learn the skill of self-criticism, a generalized English class with more leniency. The second class, The Novel, is focused upon how the novel has progressed over the course of time, including the cultural context surrounding the writers.

If strictly English really isn’t your thing but you still want to express your creativity, then you’re still in luck! SUNY Poly offers a plethora of IDS, or Interdisciplinary Studies, classes each semester that are focused on a wide variety of different, yet relevant topics. Not convinced? Here are some of the classes being offered: Monsters, Robots, Cyborgs-IDS 301, Art and Culture-IDS 102, Science/Technology/Human Values-IDS 103, Creativity and Culture-IDS 220, and the list goes on from there. These classes are not strictly reading and writing based, although some require those intensive skills.

Regardless of whether you enjoy reading and writing, Poly is beginning to offer multiple classes that incorporate creativity and literature into their curriculum. If you want to see more of these classes, there’s something quite simple that you can do; speak up. The best thing you can do is talk to your professors, advisors, or anyone who can begin to make a change. For now, all we can hope is for this change to continue and eventually, expand.

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